Mr. Omer Saeed
Independent Director

Mr. Omar Saeed graduated with high honors from Brown University and did his Master’s in Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He has recently been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Service Long March Tyres (Private) Limited, a Joint Venture between Service Industries Limited and Chaoyang Long March Tyre Co., Ltd. Additionally, he serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Servis Foundation and Chief Executive Officer of Service Industries Limited (SIL) from 2011 to 2018.
Under Mr. Saeed’s stewardship, SIL won the prestigious Pakistan Stock Exchange Top 25 Companies Award in 2011, 2013, 2014, and 2015. Before that, Omar was responsible for building Servis into Pakistan’s largest footwear retailer, with 500 stores and more than PKR 12 billion in annual revenues. He founded Ovex Technologies (Private) Limited in 2004, which went on to become one of Pakistan’s leading call center companies before the business was sold in 2011. He has served on the Boards of various private and public companies in the past. He has also been an adjunct faculty member of LUMS, where he taught entrepreneurship.